Since we suspended in-person meetings last March, Women Transcending Boundaries has looked for ways to continue our mission and support local organizations serving women and families impacted by the shutdown.
Monetary Donations: Child Care Solutions, the CNY Community Foundation’s Women’s Fund for Covid-19, InterFaith Works of CNY – food for refugees, the Rahma Health Clinic, and the “Back to School” Technology Fund of InterFaith Works
Collection drives: Eastern Farm Workers Association – school supplies; We Rise Above Poverty – personal items for Syracuse City School students; Eastern Farm Workers Thanksgiving baskets – five turkeys; Jello for Salvation Army holiday baskets (Syracuse Federation of Women’s Clubs projects); St. Lucy’s Food Pantry (requested food items): We Rise Above the Streets (socks, winter gear, hand warmers); InterFaith Works of CNY’s Ambassador Project (holiday gifts for New American Congolese family)
ZOOM Meetings: WTB Book Club continues to meet the second Monday of each month at 7 pm via Zoom. Contact Jennifer ( to join us!
Knitted Knockers: Recently, some WTB members who knit or crochet have become involved in an international project called Knitted Knockers. Knitted Knockers provides soft prosthetics at no cost to women who have undergone mastectomies. Do you enjoy knitting? If you’d like to get involved, information and patterns are available on their website If you are interested in meeting over Zoom to work on Knitted Knockers projects with like-minded ladies email
Thank you so much for supporting WTB projects during this challenging year! We’ll resume our Monthly Programs as soon as we can do so safely. Hopefully, that day is not far off!!