We share the word of WTB at area events in order to recruit more women to join our group and to let the community at large know more about us.
Booths have been set up at the Westcott Street Cultural Fair and Plowshares Arts and Crafts Festival to showcase our activities and the handcrafted items — knitting, sewing and ceramics — of refugee women. These are fun opportunities to meet others and spread the message of our terrific group. Sometimes we staff a booth at InterFaith Works’ annual Duck Race to End Racism, held at the Inner Harbor. It’s fun to chat with other members and to meet new people as they stop by to chat. We have also staffed a table at the Mary Nelson’s Youth Day Barbecue and Backpack Giveaway.
We also joined a prayer walk on Syracuse’s North Side in support new Americans who sometimes experience opposition from local people.
For the Everson Museum’s Festival of Trees we have donated trees and a wreath decorated with international and interreligious themes.