Joys and Sorrows in WTB

Barbara Fought introduced our logo and characterized it as showing flow and creativity and the circle denoting that we are all part of God’s family.

Barbara then went on to show a CNN video about WTB that appeared during the week of 9/11 in other countries. As far as we know, it did not appear in the US, but Danya reported that friends in three different countries had e-mailed her that they had seen it!

Women shared with each other their joys and sorrows and their reasons for being a part of WTB. Over and over, they described their joy in being connected with women of different faiths and the need to encourage diversity and deepen our understanding of each other.

There were several suggestions for programs. One suggestion was that each program begin with a minute of intentional silence, followed by the ringing of the gong. Bonnie Shoultz agreed to bring her gong. Concerns were expressed about those who are hard of hearing and those for whom English is a second language.